Working with Your IT Department to Implement a Mobile Device Initiative

December 17, 2018

You have a great idea to roll out a mobile device initiative at your company… but you have to get IT’s on board first. After all, they are the gatekeepers to ensure that the technology fits within the overall tech scheme of the entire business. While it doesn’t seem like it would be too challenging to convince the IT Team to roll out something that will ultimately get your company to its goals faster, there are a lot of factors that can play into a big tech decision, and it is important to present your idea in a complete and thoughtful manner so that you’re respectful of the departments’ time, views and objectives. By coming to the meeting prepared, you’re more likely to come to a mutual conclusion that benefits both the organization and the IT Staff.

Gather paint points from various stakeholders. The more people that are affected by the lack of a mobile device program, the more likely your initiative will be approved by IT. Understand the problems you are trying to solve and how they will positively impact those individuals. Include some examples of problems you are trying to solve such as improving communication, speeding up transactions, providing better customer services and eliminating paper processes. If your solution could potentially benefit more than one department, your IT Team may be more receptive.

Read case studies (within or outside of your industry) of companies who have had success with a similar initiative. You can use case studies and testimonials to show off other successful companies (and further your point that your company could be one of them). LocknCharge offers many testimonials and blog posts about successful mobile device rollouts. For example, Erie County Medical Center started training doctors on mobile devices long before they ever held a device; this was very successful for them. Another instance of a great case study is this one, where THRIVE® Affordable Vet Care was able to work smarter and more efficiently through the use of technology. Read more testimonials here.

Have a security plan in place. It is likely that your IT Team is going to be very concerned about mobile device security, both digitally and physically. Digital security is imperative for any business using a mobile device that contains confidential data or customer information, and implementing MDM software can greatly help reduce the risk that your system will be hacked. However, research shows that 41% of data breaches are caused by lost or stolen devices, yet only 27% of organizations have considered a secure charging solution as part of their deployment. A complete solution that covers security, storage, charging and software updates will show IT managers that you’re thinking of the complete picture. Physical security ensures that devices will not need to be replaced as often due to theft and loss, and your IT Team will have increased confidence that data breaches are mitigated due to a highly-secure, lockable storage solution.

Map out the workflow and have a security and charging system in place. Make sure IT has a very clear understanding of how the devices will work from person to person, day to day. Who picks up the devices in the morning? How are they used by each person, and how are they given from team member to team member? How are they charged when employees are off duty? Your IT team will want to know exactly how they are being used so they can prepare their team with the right skills to assist the deployment.

Streamlined workflow and centralized charging will increase efficiency and decrease loss, therefore keeping the budget on track and allowing for fewer IT issues. Fully-charged and easily-accessible devices will increase employee adoption of new processes, contributing to the overall success of the program. If employees don’t have access to a charged device every day, they’ll likely never adopt the program.

Have a rollout and training plan in place. Companies who train employees before a rollout have better overall success, including perks such as increased employee confidence and trust with the device. As stated previously Erie County Medical Center started training doctors and other staff way before they ever even touched a device, which made for a more successful rollout. IT can also have more control over training and might be more likely to approve the rollout if they are more involved.

Another example of a successful training program is Keolis Commuter Services, who rolled out their mobile device pilot in states to ensure things were working as planned and that the project was meeting goals and objectives. This was always manageable from IT’s perspective, which is very attractive to the average IT manager.=

Can IT work with the products you’re suggesting, and is the customer service of those companies good enough for your standards? Is the hardware you’re implementing supported by the company it’s purchased from? How easy is it for the IT team to work with the hardware/software companies in the event they need customer support, product replacement, or product re-order? These are important questions to be able to answer to keep your IT department at ease.=

Additionally, consider the warranties or longevity of the technology you wish to purchase. For example, LocknCharge products have options for either a 10-year warranty or a robust warranty. Future proofing your devices are the best way to get the most out of your investment.

Back up your reasoning. There are plenty of stats to show why a mobile device deployment is better for companies overall. For example, 68% of companies surveyed by LocknCharge said that they are motivated to implement a mobile device program because it will improve communications. 61% said they’d have faster transaction processing, and 54% said it would eliminate manual/paper processes. See more about this study here.

For more tips on influencing change in your organization, read here.

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