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4 Ways Smart Lockers Make Life Easier for Tech Managers, Teachers, Students in Schools

December 19, 2023

As most educators, technology teams or administrators know first-hand, when a student’s device goes missing or breaks, that student can quickly fall behind in classwork. What’s worse, learning for an entire class can come to a screeching halt if a teacher’s device isn’t functioning properly.

So, getting a working device in the hands of students and teachers faster means everyone can get back to learning with minimal disruption.

We also know that tech teams are already stressed with more work than they’re able to handle. So, here are the top ways Smart Lockers will make life easier for tech teams, librarians, teachers and even students.

1. It is one less thing that IT staff and managers have to spend time on.

Smart Lockers allow students to access a device on their own whenever a replacement or a loaner is needed.

By automating this, IT staff, librarians or teachers are able to do the jobs that they actually want to be doing because they’re no longer solving problems caused by lost, stolen, broken, forgotten, or uncharged devices.

2. Smart Lockers allow students and teachers who are experiencing IT problems to get back to teaching and learning faster.

By populating Smart Lockers in strategic locations around your campus, students are empowered to check out or exchange a device if they need a loaner for the day. Because students can access the loaners without assistance, they can get straight back to learning as quick as possible.

The goal of many schools is get as close to zero downtime as possible, but considerable time is lost through this process when it’s not automated.

Utilizing a Smart Locker is one way schools are working toward achieving that goal.

3. Smart Lockers allow you to scale your mobile device programs more efficiently and effectively.

We’ve heard stories of schools that purchased hotel safes and mounted them to carts as a way to enable individual access to individual devices.

As ingenious as this is – Smart Lockers allow that to happen at a far more scalable rate.

Once your Smart Locker is connected to the Cloud, you’re able to see who is accessing devices on any campus, who is putting them back, or who is not putting them back.

This transparency allows tech managers to hold students accountable for devices being check out of the Locker. It also ensures multiple loaners are not being checked out by a student.

4. You can save time and create efficiencies by integrating a Smart Locker with the existing IT systems.

By utilizing API and web hooks, Smart Lockers can be integrated into help desk platforms that you’re using to manage your mobile devices today.

For example, the School District of Mondovi used Zapier to fire a webhook every time the Smart Locker was accessed.

Little Miami integrated Learn21’s Tech Director Toolbox with their FUYL Tower Smart Lockers to streamline device distribution and collection – and to manage broken device exchanges. The TDT pre-built integration offers an easy-to-use kiosk interface, making it simple for endusers to access devices inside the Smart Locker.

Moore Public Schools integrated their Smart Locker with Incident IQ via a pre-built integration. This enabled end-to-end automation for hardware asset management.

So, there you have it. The top four reasons that Tech Teams are utilizing Smart Lockers in their schools to create efficiencies, save time and money and get students back to learning faster.

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