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10 Reasons to Use iPad Charging Stations

October 3, 2018

Classroom learning is now highly digital with mobile devices in the hands of most students. Do you have necessary processes in place to support your digital transformation and ensure iPads or other mobile and tech devices are accessible, charged, safe and secure? iPad charging stations can be a great solution to bring order to iPad management in the classroom. Read our ten reasons why they can benefit your school below.

1. Charging stations save you crucial class time

A recent video case study found that you can save up to a staggering 70 hours of class time each year just by choosing a suitable device management system for iPads or other tablet devices that includes baskets.

The video was taken at the beginning of each lesson with a traditional style cabinet tablet storage cart. The traditional cart took 10 minutes and 3 seconds to complete deployment of 30 units. This was then repeated with a basket-based cart which took just 4 minutes and 50 seconds – saving a huge 5 minutes and 13 seconds out of just one lesson in teaching time.

2. Secure storage can reduce theft of iPads

Schools using iPads make significant investments in not only devices but ensuring procedures are in place for them to be used successfully.

This was certainly the case for Hove Park School when they had £37,000 worth of pupils’ iPads stolen from their school. iPad charging stations and storage carts reduce the risk of theft and enhance security, not only from the risk of individual devices being stolen but from the risk of cables being lost and units being mislaid.

3. They can save tech teams valuable time

LocknCharge iPad charging stations can be cabled in minutes, saving considerable time. They are simple to use for students and teachers.

They are built with quality materials and backed by best-in-class warranties to withstand heavy usage in a classroom environment. Which means they need to be replaced or repaired less often.

4. Charging stations can save money

Not only can iPad charging stations help you save money in the long run by reducing theft, they can also help save money by reducing the need for extra resources in order to manage and maintain the devices, loss of chargers and accessories or on breakages.

Many units are also portable, so can be moved from classroom to classroom meaning you need fewer iPads in total for your school, at a lower cost.

5. They can encourage student responsibility

Charging stations not only ensure pupils are taking responsibility for iPads but can help provide many positive benefits to a classroom environment. One particular benefit of mobile device charging stations that include baskets is that they allow children to “own” and take responsibility for their dedicated devices and to gain independence from both using and distributing these devices.

Devices are not cheap, and schools need to ensure that they are looked after with care and compassion. By empowering children with tasks that they are capable of carrying out alone or with the help of their friends, tools like these baskets increase their self-esteem and encourage a great environment for learning.

6. They keep accessories intact and tidy

No more messy cable ties, or lack of plug sockets. With an iPad charging station, you can charge multiple units using just one plug, and keep leads and cables safe inside the charging station housing cabinet. This not only reduces the likelihood of cables getting lost but provides a health and safety benefit for the user.

7. They assist with classroom management

The seemingly simple task such as keeping order in the classroom generally accounts for 13% of all teachers’ time. So teachers need to find ways to channel their resources. Charging stations can take time away from tasks to do what teachers do best, teach!

8. Organized storage can free up classroom space

Charging stations can help to store iPads in one place, reducing space needed for wires, plugs and other equipment that would need to be in one place. With compact or wall mountable designs, it provides extra space for additional desks or learning stations. Maximum efficiency, minimal space. Many are also fully portable so can be moved into other office areas and transported from classroom to classroom safely and efficiently.

9. iPad charging stations with Baskets encourage safe distribution to students

Some charging units have unique ways in which to distribute iPads within the classroom, such as the innovative basket design from LocknCharge. These allow deployment of up to 10 iPads in separate “mini” stations which mean there is less risk of damage through accidental error. They also have the added benefit of easy collection at the end of a project and can be carried outside or wherever necessary.

10. They allow for learning outside of the classroom

Many charging carts are fully portable, meaning they can be stored outside the classroom and wheeled in when required. Or with specialized basket designs, some charging stations encourage portable learning outside of the classroom environment. With a battery that can last all day, and integration with iCloud you can work from anywhere and not be limited to just the classroom. Baskets allow students to transport iPads outdoors – on school trips, to the playground, conservation areas – wherever their imagination takes them!

For more information or to request a quote on suitable iPad charging stations, visit LocknCharge at

Get in touch with us today.